Introducing the 1-of-a-kind, step-by-step survival guide that makes your dog live a longer, healthier life, so you enjoy up to 8.3 more years of happiness & companionship than is statistically predicted.
The 3 quick & easy steps you MUST take today to prevent your dog's early, painful death.
Dog Food SECRETS™ is your survival-guide to a healthier, happier dog that lives up to 8.3 years longer than dogs whose owners feed them commercial dog food and don't follow the comprehensive steps I outline for you.
- 35 all new healthier and easier-to-make recipes
- All main meal dishes are flour, salt, sugar, butter and cream FREE
- Every recipe has feeding recommendations for Toy, Small, Medium, Large & Extra Large dogs
- Calorie count included for every recipe
- Sodium count included for every recipe
- 5 completely new must-have books & guides added to the EDO Pack including Homemade Supplement guide & Puppy Feeding guide
- #1 best source of phosphorous, vitamins A and B, essential for optimal organ function
- The 6 best grains to feed your dog for energy-giving carbs
- The 6 leanest types of high-quality protein for building muscle
- The 8 best fruit snacks for a vibrant, vitamin-packed dog
- The 5 quick and easy human brekky foods dogs love